iCe Cream Siddur

4.2 ( 5262 ratings )
Livsstil Böcker
Utvecklare: Masubro & BeezyWorks

iCe Cream Siddur is the long awaited iPhone port of the popular Android siddur of the same name. Every prayer for every (chol) day of the year in all three major nuschos is included. Automatically adjusts tefilos for each individual day and has a ton of customizations available.
Everything means everything, selichos (not yet for Elul), hoshanos, krias hatorah, hatars nedarim, vidui for mincha on erev yom kippur... everything. Not just shacharis, mincha, and maariv. It also include bentching (with the options for bris mila and sheva brochos), krias shma al hamita, tikun chatzos, and pretty much anything youd expect to find in a regular printed siddur. And of course, a luach zmanim set using your location.
Not just a siddur. Comes with a complete chumash with targum onkelos, all of sefer tehilim, and selections from the aruch hashulchan.
This is an early release of the app, so expect bugs. Send us any reports right away so we can get it sorted out as quickly as possible.